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    About us

    Established in 2004, School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), is now headed by Prof. Jiang Zhenghua, a renowned population economist and Vice Chairman of the 9thand 10thStanding Committee of National People’s Congress, China.

    The School has a full-time faculty of 47, including 36 professors or associate professors, one Changjiang Distinguished Professor, one Leading Talent of National Ten-Thousand Talents Program for philosophy and social sciences,six recipients of New Century Excellent University Talents Award, Ministry of Education (MOE), two Distinguished Professors of XJTU Development Scholar Program and one team selected for Changjiang Development Program of Scholars and Innovation Teams.

    The School consists of two departments, respectively of Public Administration and of Social Security, and ten research institutes, including Institute of Population and Development Studies, Institute of Health Management and Policy, Institute of Technological Management and Policy, Institute of Higher Education, Institute of Asian and European Studies, Institute of Real Estate Studies, Research Center of Performance Management, Research Center of Social Security and Actuarial Practice, Research Center of Public Administration and Complexity Science, Research Center of Gender and Development and Research Center of Aged Population and Health. Also, there are MPA Education Center and Senior Civil Servants Training Center.

    SPPA has a multi-level education system. It is authorized to confer bachelor, master and doctor degrees in the first discipline of public administration as well as master degree in the first discipline of education. It is also among the first batch of Chinese institutions authorized to offer the MPA program. So far, the School has had over 80 PhD students, over 388 master students in the direction of public administration, social security, social medicine and health service administration, land resources management, higher education and library science, and 1239 MPA students (for degree only or for diploma and degree).

    Adhering to the principle of “Focusing on China’s Issues, Having a Global Vision and Serving the Society”, SPPA pays close attention to social needs and pursues academic value as well as applicability in discipline construction. In recent years, the School has undertaken 47 national projects, including four Major Projects of National Social Science Foundation (NSSF), two Key Philosophy and Social Sciences Projects of Ministry of Education, five Key Projects of NSSF, one National Key Technology R&D Project, 20 projects of National Natural Science Foundation, 17 projects of NSSF and 70 other projects supported by foundations at the provincial or ministerial level or above. Besides, the School has carried out 17 projects supported by international foundations and involving international cooperation. The research findings have had positive impact on policy making in China. In particular, the researches about gender imbalance and sustainable social development in China have been reported byProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)andScience. Over the years, the faculty and their achievements in research have won 22 research awards at the provincial and ministerial level, including one First Prize and 10 Second Prizes. In 2011, a research team of SPPA was honored with “Fudan Management Award for Outstanding Contribution”.

    SPPA is committed to constructing a high-level platform for international cooperation and research. It has established mechanisms for effective and sustaining cooperation with world-renowned scientists and universities, including Stanford University, Harvard University, Yale University, University of Victoria, Canada and Kyoto University. Its researches in social affairs and public policy have won financial support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), World Health Organization (WHO), US NIH Foundation (NIH), US NIA Foundation (NIA), Ford Foundation and MacArthur Foundation.

    The School has launched the Platform for Social Experiments in Public Policy, the first of its kind in China. Its six components have already taken shape, including the database of public policy and administration, the base of social practice, the base of policy experiments, the platform for cooperation with the government, the platform for talents cultivation and the platform for international cooperation.

    SPPA aims to build itself into a top internationalized and research-oriented school, cultivating high-level talents in public administration and policy research and contributing to discipline development of and practice of public administration in China.

Copyright: Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Public Management

Address: Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Post Code No. 28:710049 Website: Yi Yang Technology