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国外学者来访通知(Distinguished Visiting Professor)
来源: 时间:2016-04-20 点击:[]

Distinguished Visiting Professor



NaimKapucu教授在公共政策与管理,危机领导,非营利性管理以及灾害管理方面研究颇深。曾在Public Administration Review, Administration & Society, Journal of Public Administration Theory and Research, the American Review of Public Administration等国际知名期刊上发表文章上百篇。此外,他曾担任American Review of Public Administration等19个期刊的编辑委员。



May 9th 2016 – May 12th 2016


Brief Introduction to Dr. NaimKapucu

Dr. NaimKapucu is Professor and Director of the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is, also, the founding director of the Center forPublic and Nonprofit Management(CPNM) at UCF (2008-2011). Dr. Kapucu received his Ph.D. in Public and International Affairs from the Graduate School ofPublic and International Affairs(GSPIA) of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 2003.

Dr. Kapucu has published widely in areas of public policy and administration, crisis leadership, nonprofit management and disaster management. His work has been published in Public Administration Review, Administration & Society, Journal of Public Administration Theory and Research, the American Review of Public Administration. etc. Dr. Kapucu was the Book Review Editor of the American Review of Public Administration (2010-2013), along with serving as an editorial board member for 19 other journals.

Dr. Kapucu's main research interests are emergency and crisis management,network leadership and governance, public-nonprofit partnerships in emergencies, complex adaptive systems, dynamic network analysis, decision-making in complex environments, organizational learning and design, and collaborative public management.

Visiting Time

May 9th 2016 – May 12th 2016

Dr. NaimKapucu will present his current research on multi-level network governance in emergency management and meet with faculty and students during his visit.




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