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来源: 时间:2017-05-17 点击:[]

讲座时间:2017522 星期  9:00-10:00


讲座题目:Post-Abortion Family Planning services in China: findings of EC-China FP7 collaborative INPAC project

讲座人:张维 教授School of Public Health, Ghent University

邀请人毛瑛 教授(红宝石网站hbs)


维宏博士、教授, 博士、博士后导师。1991年定居比利时,获比利时法语及英语双硕士及自然科学博士,英国牛津大学博士后。国务院侨办海外专家。欧盟框架首席科学家。1997年涉足欧盟国际合作项目, 主持参与多项欧盟资助的重大科研项目,特别是欧盟框架资助的在中国实施的公共卫生及妇幼生殖健康项目。受聘兼职教授于清华大学国际健康研究中心、上海同济大学医学院、国家卫生计生委科学技术研究所及广东中医药大学,亦在中国其他多所高校担任客座教授。与国内合作培养了多名博士及博士后。作为第一和负责作者在国际顶尖医学学术杂志如(BMJ)及柳叶刀 (Lancet)等发表论文130 多篇。主编了2017出版的 « 中国人工流产后计划生育服务的干预研究: 欧盟欧盟第七框架INPAC项目的设计与实施»。担任多个国际权威学术杂志的副主编及审稿人,欧盟地平线2020Horizon 2020)项目评审专家。比利时华人专业知名人士,聘为比利时华人专业人士协会顾问。海外侨胞特邀代表参加了201593号在京举行的抗战胜利70周年大阅兵。目前受聘于比利时两所大学,兼任布鲁塞尔自由大学与中国医学学术交流协调人及根特大学医学院中国平台的负责人。在她的努力协调下两所比利时大学与国内多所高校签署了合作及联合培养博士协议。


Wei-Hong Zhang graduated in Medicine in China in 1987. She worked as a research and teaching assistant in anatomy and pathology in China before coming to live in Belgium in 1991. She gained two MPHs (one in French and another in English) in the School of Public Health, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium in 1996-1997.

Since 1998 she has been doing research into perinatal epidemiology in the Perinatal Epidemiology and Reproductive health Unit (PERU) at the ULB where she has been involved in several EU-funded collaborative projects in Europe in the field of reproductive health and where she obtained a PhD in Public Health in 2007. She was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Fondation Philippe Winer-Maurice Anspach for one year research at the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, 2007-2008.

In April 2007, she joined the ICRH where she was responsible among others for two EU-funded projects in China in the field of maternal health (2007-2010). At present, her main task at ICRH is the coordination of an ongoing EU-Funded FP7 project in China, INPAC (Integrating post-abortion family planning (FP) services into existing abortion services in hospital settings in China, 2012-2016. http://www.inpacproject.eu). She involves also in the supervision of PhD and post-doctoral research projects and is the key person at ICRH for the academic relationship with China. She has held the position of visiting professor at several Chinese universities and an adjunct professor at Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai.

Since 2014 she is appointed by the P.R. of China, as the State Council Advisor (2014-2017).In addition, she is still connected with the School of Public Health, ULB where she is Professor of Epidemiology and supervisor for several of PhD‘s thesis.  She has a particular interest in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies and Randomized Controlled Trials.






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