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来源: 时间:2018-03-12 点击:[]

根据国家自然基金项目《单位制影响下中国大城市学区空间生产的特征、机制与后效研究(批准号:41671155)》预定研究计划,吴启焰教授联合两位英国社会科学学院院士(英国拉夫堡大学Darren P Smith和国王学院大学Chris Hamnett)及数位英国和中国香港与大陆高校研究所教授博士共聚西安古城召开“全球视野下教育驱动中产阶层化研究”国际研讨会。

会议将于2018年3月19-25日举行,核心会议将于20-23号举行,会议将围绕“Education,PowerSpace/Place and Class”、” Student and Gentrification”和“Education, Housing and Measurement”三个主题展开十五个专题发言。同时,Chris和Darren院士还将为学院师生举办两场专题报告。



20 March, 2018

Arriving at the workshop venue.

10:00 – 20:00: Registration

17:00 – 18:00: Academic Writing for youth scholar (led by Xiaoling Zhang and Qiyan Wu)

18:30-20:00: Reception in the evening in Xi’an city.

21 March, 2018

7:00 – 7:50 Breakfast in café/meeting room at hotel

7:50-8:50 campus walk, group photograph at the hall of school of SPPA, XJTU and return hotel

9:00-9:20 Introduction to the workshop by Qiyan Wu and Darren Smith

(This will focus on the background, objectives, outcomes and activities of this workshop)

9:20 – 12:30 Theme of Session One: Education, Space/Place, Power and Class

9:20-9:40 Class-based consumption of planetary jiaoyufication: the eduscape of China emigration in Global North by Qiyan Wu

9:50-10:15 Variegated Jiaoyufication: an ongoing story of gentrification, segregation and commodification in the Inner city neighbourhood in Beijing, by Xiaoling Zhang

10:20-10:45 Spatial capital, cultural capital and gentrifiers' housing choice in central Beijing: a case of Xuanwumen by Xing Huang

10:50 -11:05 Coffee/tea break

11:05-11:30 Education-led intra-urban migration and jiaoyufication in transitional China: Evidence from urban Nanjing by Weixuan Song.

11:30-12:05 Session Discussion organized by Darren Smith

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

14:00-17:00 Theme of Session Two: Student and Gentrification

14:00-14:25 Super-studentification in global cities by Darren Smith

14:30-14:55 The connection between student indication and gentrification in Nanjing by Jie Sun

15:00-15:30 Coffee/tea break

15:30-15:55 Education-led urbanization: When metropolis–centric colleges go to the countries in China by Mingrui Shen

16:00-16:25 Studentification in China: Living off-campus and processes of urban change in Beijing, by Hao Gu

16:30-17:15 Session Discussion organized by Mark Holton

18:00-Dinner at Hotel

22 March

7:00 – 7:50 Breakfast in cafe room at hotel

8:30 – 12:00 Theme of Session Three: Education, Housing and Measurement

8:30-8:25 Performing studentification: homemaking and place-making in shared student accommodation by Mark Holton

8:30-8:55 Intersections of Studentification and Housing in Multiple Occupation by Andrew Culora

9:00-9:25 Gentrification with the urban fringe renewal: A Case of Shenzhen by Yanchun Meng.

9:30-9:55 Segregation in daily life: measurement and application by Donggen Wang,

10:00-10:25 Gaokao in the reproduction of Regional Inequality in China. by Prof. Chris Hamnett

10:30 – 10:45 Coffee/tea break

10:45-11:30 Session Discussion organized by Donggen Wang.

12:00-13:30 Lunch break

14:00-17:00 Round Table Discussion by Prof. Chris Hamnett and Yanchun Meng

14:00-15:00 All Panelists

15:00-15:20 Coffee/tea break

15:20-16:20 All Panelists

16:20-16:40 Coffee/tea break

16:40-17:10 Funding Schemes and Plan of Special Issues

16:40-17:00 Funding schemes in the UK/China and Grant applications /assessment (UK BA, Newton etc.) by Darren Smith and Qiyan Wu, discussant by all panelists

17:00-17:20 Plan of Special Issues by Darren Smith, Qiyan Wu, Donggen Wang and Xiaoling Zhang, discussant by all panelists

18:00-Dinner at Hotel



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