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来源: 时间:2013-06-14 点击:[]

6月17号下午4:40-5:40,在公管学院674教室,由华盛顿大学教授William Lavely 教授做“Controlled reproduction in a pre-transition Chinese county: Jurong Xian, 1933”的讲座,欢迎参加!

William Lavely教授简介:

William Lavely is a social demographer specializing on Chinese population and society. He received a BA in history at the University of Michigan, an MA in Asian Studies at the University of California-Berkeley, and a PhD in Sociology at the University of Michigan. He has done field work in rural areas of Taiwan, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Hainan. He has published on Chinese fertility, marriage, household structure, mortality, sex ratios, and historical demography, in such journals as Demography, Population Studies, Population and Development Review, and Demographic Research. He is currently Professor of International Studies and Sociology at the University of Washington in Seattle, Director of the East Asia Center, and an Associate Editor of Demography.




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