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来源: 时间:2013-03-18 点击:[]


马忠东教授讲座题目:Migration and Mobility Transition in China Since 1982

吴晓刚教授讲座题目:Ethnicity, Migration, and Social Stratification in China: Evidence from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region


Migration and Mobility Transition in China Since 1982

Zhongdong Ma

Division of Social Science

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Migration has been increasing in China since the early 1980s along with the processes of market transition, urbanization and spatial transformation. In this paper, we use data from mini- and major censuses conducted between 1982 and 2010 and define migration as a move cross the county boundary in the five-year period prior to a census. We found that the volume of migration more than tripled from 40 million in the late 1980s to 140 million in the late 2000s, with the importance of temporary migration increased from 50% to 90%, among which that of labor migration increased from a quarter to half of the total, reflecting market transition of migration from planned to market-oriented movements. To calculate rate of migration, we reconstruct all individual records retrospectively year by year to obtain a precise age, level of education and marital status at the time of migration. We found that migration propensity has been rapidly increasing overtime by all ages. Migration remains highly selective of those in labor force ages with a good education but becomes less selective towards children in early childhood or married ones in adulthood ages, indicating a slow family transition of migration from pure labor to semi-settlement. In terms of net migration, city’s rate has been increased to a high level whereas town’s rate remains positive but low, indicating that city was the primary gainer from the rural to urban migration. Regionally, the PRD reached a high net rate since the late 1990s whereas the YRD did so in the 2000s, reflecting a spatial transition to a dual or even multi-growth center. Urbanization needs to be speed up with the settlement of migrants’ family as well as more rapidly development of town and/or the interior land than it is now.


His research interests include migration, fertility transition, and transnational human capital transfer. He has taught quantitative courses, population and economic development, and Geographical Information Systems. His current project is on social costs of labor migration. His previous work appears in international journal including Population and Economic Review, Environment and Planning A, and Mathematical Population Studies as well as Population Research and Population Science in Chinese.

Ethnicity, Migration, and Social Stratification in China: Evidence from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Wu, Xiaogang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

As the redistributive state gradually retreated from the economic sphere to give place to a competitive labor market, those who used to be under the protection of state egalitarian policies tended to lose out and face more disadvantages in the labor markets, whereas those who used to be discriminated against by the socialist state tended to gain more opportunities from economic liberalizations. These predictions are verified by the empirical evidence from Xinjiang in Northwestern China in 2005. We show that Han and Uyghur Chinese were segregated into different economic sectors. The Han-Uyghur earnings gap was negligible in government or public institutions, but it increased with the marketization of the employment sector. On the other hand, Han migrants in economic sectors enjoyed particular earnings advantages and hukou registration status had no impact on earnings attainment except in government or public institutions. The findings shed new lights on the relationship between ethnicity, migration, and nationalism in the context of China’s economic transition.


Xiaogang Wu (Ph.D., UCLA, 2001) is Professor of Social Science and Director of the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER) at HKUST. His research interests include social stratification and mobility, labor markets and economic sociology, and quantitative methodology. His previous work has appeared in American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Demography, Social Science Research, and among others. Professor Wu has received numerous research grants and fellowship from the US, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He is currently the Principle Investigators of “Hong Kong Panel Study of Social Dynamics” (2009-2014), funded by the Strategic Public Policy Research Grant, and of three other research projects funded by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council. In 2012, he is one of 8 scholars who received the Prestigious Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences awarded by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong SAR.




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