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来源: 时间:2016-04-24 点击:[]




讲座题目一:From Sexual Debut to First Union. Where do young people in France meet their first partners?”

讲座人:Michel Bozon, INED (National Institute of Demographical Studies,法国国立人口研究所)

讲座题目二:Gay and Lesbian Households: A Preliminary Research in Shanghai and Sichuan Based on in-depth interviews with one or both partners of same-sex couples

讲座人:Wei Wei, School of Social Development, East China Normal University(华东师大)

讲座题目三:The impact of marriage squeeze on the quality of life of rural men in China

讲座人:Yang Xueyan, Institute for Population and Development Studies, School of public policy and administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University(红宝石网站hbs)


1Michel Bozon

Research director, INED (National Institute of Demographical Studies)

Professor Michel Bozon is the researcher at INED (National Institute of Demographical Studies) since 1983 and research director since 1993.He is an acknowledged specialist who is expert inmethodology of research and surveys on sensitive issues.From 1992-1995, he was the head of the Department of Surveys at INED. Professor Bozon once was editor-in-chief of the bilingual journalPopulation(2002-2008) and member of the editorial board (1989- 2001). In past 30 years, Professor Bozon pay attention to the fields ofage and gender, sociology of sexuality and trends in gender relations.

2. Wei Wei

School of Social Development, East China Normal University

Presentation abstract

This MOE-sponsored study examines the family life of gay and lesbian households in Shanghai and Sichuan. Research topics cover living condition, property ownership, household works, raising children, couple dynamics and interactions with families of origin and larger society. The talk will focus on how they negotiate and achieve parenthood in an environment that lacks social recognition and institutional support. In relation to shifting demographic structure in contemporary Chinese societies, the implication of such practices to policy change will also be discussed.

About the Speaker

Wei Wei is an Associate Professor of Sociology at School of Social Development, East China Normal University. His research and teaching interests are gender and sexuality, queer theory and urban studies, with a focus on LGBT/Tongzhi communities in contemporary China. He is the author of Going Public: The Production and Transformation of Tongzhi Spaces in Contemporary Chengdu (2012) and Queering Chinese Society: Urban Space, Popular Culture and Social Policy (2015), and co-editor of Social Stratification of Sexuality: Body, Space and Consumption (forthcoming, with Wang Tianyi).

3. Yang Xueyan

Professor in Institute for Population and Development Studies, School of public policy and administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Prof. Yang received her Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2007, and then did Postdoctoral study in School of Public Health at University of Toronto in Canada (2011-2012). Yang was a visiting scholar at Munk School of Global Affairs (June 2011-Decmber 2011), and a visiting professor at Stanford University (September 2014-September 2015).

Yang was drafted in Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, “Young Talents Program of Humanities and Social Sciences in University of Shaanxi Province” and “Young Talent Support Plan of Xi’an Jiaotong University”. As the principle investigator, Yang has been responsible for more than 20 projects, including key projects in National Social Science Foundation, research projects in National Soft Science Foundation, general projects in Humanities and Social Sciences project of Ministry of Education, the project of United Nations Theme Group on Gender, the project in French National Science Foundation (ANR), as well as the project for French National Institute for Demographic Research, etc. Yang has published more than 40 papers in English and Chinese, as well as six books. Besides, Yang has been awarded the first-class prize twice, the second-class prize once, and the third-class prize three times at provincial level.

Research interests: Population and public policy; Gender and public health


下一条:国外学者来访通知(Distinguished Visiting Professor)


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