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来源: 时间:2015-11-02 点击:[]

讲座名称:“人口与社会政策大讲堂”第十三期: The Development of Civic Scientific Literacy in the 21st century



讲座题目:The Development of Civic Scientific Literacy in the 21st century

讲座人:Jon D Miller,密歇根大学教授


Citizens in all countries in the 21st century need to be able to read and understand a core set of scientific ideas or constructs to be able to make informed decisions as parents, patients, or adults aware of and engaged in public policy discussions. The ability to understand issues such as climate change or the spread and treatment on viral infections depends in large part on the development of a sufficient level of civic scientific literacy to find and make sense of relevant information. With the growth of the Internet and related electronic communication technologies, we are moving from a "warehouse model" of information acquisition to a "just-in-time model" of information acquisition. Professor Miller will discuss the implications of these basic changes.

讲座人Jon D Miller教授简介:

Jon's expertise is in the measurement and analysis of the public understanding of science and technology. Jon has measured the public understanding of science and technology in the United States for the last three decades, and has examined the factors associated with the development of attitudes toward science and science policy.




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