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来源: 时间:2015-06-10 点击:[]





Perspective on global climate change from polar studies: multi-sensor

airbore and spaceborne observation



Kenneth Jezek 教授,俄亥俄州立大学地球科学系


Monitoring and modeling urban landscape based on airborne and spaceborne remote sensing observations



刘红星 教授,辛辛那提大学地理系主任

讲座人简介:Kenneth Jezek

Kenneth C. Jezek is a Professor at the Byrd Polar Research Center, School of Earth Sciences of The Ohio State University. From 1997-2007 he led the Radarasat Antarctic Mapping Project and presently is a co-leader of the International Polar Year GIIPSY project which involves the participation of 12 space agencies. He has served on numerous US National Research Council committees including the recently convened Cryosphere Panel which is part of the NRC Committee on Climate, Energy and National Security. He also contributed to the NASA sponsored decadal survey for Earth science from space. His current interests focus on using VHF/UHF radars combined with tomographic processing techniques to construct 3-dimensional images of Greenland and Antarctica as they would appear stripped of their icy cover. Summaries of current projects, data and data products are posted on his website listed above.

Hongxing Liu

Professor, Department Head, Director of the Center for Geospatial Information & Environmental Sensor Networks (GIESN)

Dr. Hongxing Liu is a professor in Department of Geography at University of Cincinnati. His research interests include GIScience, remote sensing, and environmental modeling. His research projects have been funded by NSF, NASA, NOAA Sea Grant Program, Texas Advanced Research Program, and other funding agencies. In his research work, various theoretical and methodological issues in GIScience and remote sensing have been addresed. He has received a number of prestigious awards, including NASA Group Achievement Award, the Best Paper Award from Computers & Geoscience, John Davidson President&39;s Award for Practical Papers from the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), and the Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching from Texas A&M University.




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