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来源: 时间:2015-09-15 点击:[]




讲座题目:China’sCity-size Based Urbanization Policy and Hukou Reform中国大中小城市的发展政策与户籍改革

讲座人:Kam Wing Chan (陈金永)教授,University of Washington

China’s urbanization in the early 21st century is a historic event of global significance, yet the understanding and accurate assessment of it has been plagued by problems of many kinds. China has long pursued a policy of “controlling the growth of large cities, rationally developing medium cities and actively promoting the growth of small cities”. China’s latest, supposedly comprehensive hukou reform policy issued by the State Council in 2014 is also based on city population size. The policy stipulates different degrees of opening (or tightening) of granting hukou to migrants based on the city size. By untangling the notoriously complicated definitions of China’s city population and generating a relatively consistent set of city population data, this presentation evaluates China’s urbanization policy and its latest hukou reform.

讲座人简介:Kam Wing Chan(陈金永)教授

Kam Wing Chan is Professor of Geography at University of Washington. His main research focuses on China's cities, migration, employment, and the household registration system. He is the author and co-author of two books and some 60 articles and book chapters. He has served as a Consultant for the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations, and McKinsey & Co. and worked on a number of policy projects on China. His recent commentaries and interviews have appeared in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Economist, South China Morning Post, BBC, CBC Radio, Caixin, Ming Pao and China Daily. His graduated from University of Hong Kong and University of Toronto. Visit his web page athttp://faculty.washington.edu/kwchan/.




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