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来源: 时间:2021-12-15 点击:[]

国际人口科学研究联盟(International Union for the Scientific Study of Population,IUSSP)四年一次的国际人口会议(International Population Conference)于2021年12月5-10号在印度举行。本次会议是该组织的第29次国际人口会议,受疫情影响部分学者线上参加会议。会议共收到来自于95个国家的学者投稿1650篇,中国投稿69篇。

人口与发展研究所的师生线上参加了该次会议。助理教授王莹做了题目为“Does psychosocial support buffer the effect of COVID-19 related stressor on mental health among Chinese during quarantine”的口头汇报;博士生苟欢迎做了题目为“Do neighborhoods and social networks matter? Exploring the process from migration to HIV sexual risk behaviors among involuntary bachelors in rural China”的口头汇报。

博士生梅丽做了题目为“Sex-selective abortions over the past four decades in China”的口头汇报;博士生Tolulope ARIYO做了题目为“Decision autonomy, quality of antenatal care and birthweight: indirect effects conditioned on the context of polygyny”的口头汇报和题目为“Educational assortative mating, infant and child mortality in Nigeria”的海报展示。

博士生葛廷帅做了题目为“Body mass index and depressive symptoms among Chinese older couples: A longitudinalactor-partner interdependence model analysis”的口头汇报和题目为“Influence of neighborhood environments on overweight/obesity in Chinese older adults: A three-level longitudinal analysis”的海报展示;博士生郭玉做了题目为“Widowhood and health status among Chinese older adults: The mediation effects of different types of support”和题目为“Cognition and sleep among Chinese Couples: A longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model analysis”的口头汇报。





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