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Department of Public Administration
Du Hai-feng


Du Haifeng

(Last Revised Time: November  8, 2017)


Name: DU, Haifeng    

Sex:     Male    

Nationality: China

Date of Birth: September 1 2, 1972

Place of Birth: Sichuan, China


Address:, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 28 West Xianning Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710049, China

Tel.:  +86-29-8266- 5605(Office)

Cell Phone:   +86-18681878555

FAX:  +86-29-8266-5959, +86-29-8266- 5605



06/2006, Student, SFI 2000 Complex Systems Summer School, Santa Fe Insititute.

04/2002, PhD., Department of Mechanical Electronic Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

05/1999, MS., Department of Mechanical Electronic Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University.

07/1996, BS., Department of Mechanical Electronic Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University.


University of Washington, Washington, U.S.A:

           - Visiting Scholar (04/2014-08/2014)

Xi’an Jiaotong University, China: School of Public Policy and Administration

-          Executive Dean (07/2016-)

-          Vice Dean (09/2010-07/2016)

-          Executive director of Center for Administration and Complexity Science(03/2008-)

-          Director and Professor (09/2007-)

University of California, Irvin, U.S.A:

           - Visiting Scholar (01/2008-02/2008)

Stanford  University, U.S.A:

           - Postdoctoral Scholar (09/2005-09/2006)

Xi’an  Jiaotong University, China: Industrial Training Center

           - Director and Associate Professor (04/2004-09/2007)

Xidian University,  China: Institute of Intelligent Information Processing

           - Postdoctoral Scholar (12/2001-04/2004)

           - Director and Associate Professor (12/2003-04/2004)


1.        Introduction to Social Network Study (Graduate course)

2.        Information Technology for Public Management (Graduate course)

3.        The Methods and Frontier Problems  of Social Science (PhD Student course)

4.        Public Management (Graduate course)


1.        Social Network Analysis

2.        Collective Behaviors and Social Computing

3.        Rural Migrant Workers and Their Social Networks


1.        2015-2017, “The livelihood and sustainable development of rural migrant workers in new urbanization of China: the core problems of the citizenization and the public polices”, Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 15&AZD048) (Grantee and principal investigator)

2.        2013-2016, “Individual and Group Behavior of Rural Migrant Workers and Implications on Mass Incidents -- Based on Social Network Analysis”, Key Project from the National Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 12AZD110) (Grantee and principal investigator)

3.        2012-2015, “Key technologies of Dynamical monitoring and information acquisition for floating population”, Project in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period of China, Subproject “monitoring indexes and technical regulation for floating population”(Grant No. 2012BAI32B06-04) (Grantee and principal investigator)

4.        2012, “Social Assistance Policy for Rural Migrant Workers”, Department of Social Relief of the Ministry of Civil affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Grantee and principal investigator)

5.        2011-2016, “The Theory and Application of Social Computing”, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grantee and principal investigator)

6.        2011-2013, “Social Computing and Social Security”, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grantee and principal investigator)

7.        2010-2012, “Social Mobility and Social Capital in China and Britain, a comparative study, Joint supported by NSFC(National Natural Science Foundation of People’s Republic of China)  and ESRC(Economic and Social Research Council, UK) (Grant No. 71161130176 ) (Grantee and principal investigator)

8.        2011-2013, “Community structure in social networks among Chinese Rural migrant workers: Detecting algorithms, causes and social effects”, National Natural Science Foundation of People’s Republic of China (Grant No.71071128) (Grantee and principal investigator)

9.        2009-2010, “2009 National Graduate Summer School” Public Policy and Complexity Science”, National Natural Science Foundation of People’s Republic of China (Grant No. J0921014) and the Innovation Foundation for Graduate Student (Grantee and principal investigator)

10.    2009-2010, “Characteristics and dynamic of the team social network and team performance”,  Microsoft Research Asia (Grantee and principal investigator)

11.    2009-2012, “Chinese Rural migrant workers’ Social Integration and Public Security”, Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (Grant No.NCET-08-0451) (Grantee and principal investigator)

12.    2007-2009, “Development of Complex Social Network Models for application to Rural-Urban Migration and Social Integration in Contemporary China”. National Natural Science Foundation of People’s Republic of China (Grant No. 70671083) (Grantee and principal investigator).

13.    2006-2008, “Fault Diagnosis Methods Based on Artificial Immune System”. National Natural Science Foundation of People’s Republic of China (Grant No. 50505034 ) (Grantee and principal investigator)

14.    2005-2007, “Rural-urban migration and its implications during the process of sustainable development in China: Theory and policy innovations”. Key program of National Social Science Foundation of China, (Grant No. 05ARK00 ) (co-principal investigator)

15.    2005-2007, “Non-Darwin Evolution Mechanisms in Artificial Immune System and Their Application”. Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 2004F29 ) (Grantee and principal investigator)

16.    2004-, “Elder-care, gender, and son preference: The role of cultural transmission and diffusion during the process of rural-urban migration in China.” funded by the Advisory Committee of Stanford’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging (CDEHA) of the USA (co-principal participant)

17.    2004-2007, “Rural-urban migration in China: Cultural transmission and its socio-demographic implications.” funded by Stanford University, Santa Fe Institute and Fudan University (co-principal participant)

18.    2004-2007, “Policy and Management Innovation for Population and Socio-economic Development”, The National 985 Project of China, 985-2 National Social Science Research Base of The State Education Committee (participant)

19.    2004-2005, “Social network of Rural migrant workers in Shenzhen and its implications.” funded by Shenzhen government (co-principal participant).

20.    2004-2005, “Immune Optimization Computing, Learning and Reorganization”. National Natural Science Publication Foundation of People’s Republic of China (co-principal investigator)

21.    2002-2004, “Theory, algorithm and application for multi-resource data fusion”. The National Basic Research Program (also called 973 Program) (Grant No. 2001CB309403 ) (co-principal investigator)

22.    2002-2004, “Theory, algorithm and application for evolutionary computing”. National Natural Science Foundation of People’s Republic of China (Grant No. 60133010) (co-principal investigator)

AWARDS  (Sectional)

1.        2011, Public Managment and Complexity Science. Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award for Colleges and Universities  in Shaanxi Province.

2.        2010, Gender Imbalance and Social Sustainable Development , The First-level Scientific Population Studies Award (paper series), the State Family Planning Commission and the Population Association of China.

3.        2009, Social Support Networks of Chinese Rural Migrant Workers, The Second-level of The IX Shaanxi Provincial Social Scientific Award (book series)

4.        2008, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University

5.        2008, The Theory, Methoed and Application of Evolution Computing. The First-level of Shaanxi Provincial Natural Scientific Award

6.        2007, Key Youth Teacher in Xi’an Jiaotong University

7.        2007, Development and Prospect of the Artificial Immune System, Top 100 Most Cited Chinese Papers.

8.        2007, Immune Optimization Computing, Learning and Reorganization, The National "three hundred" Original Book Award


1.        Haifeng Du, Xiaochen He, Marcus W. Feldman. Reversing structural balance in signed networks Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2018

2.        Haifeng Du, Jingjing Wang, Xiaochen He, Wei Du.A memetic algorithm to optimize critical diameter. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2017

3.        Meng Cai, Haifeng Du. The effect of structure centrality on employees’ performance: evidence from Chinese SMEs. Chinese Management Studies. 2017, Volume 11 Issue 3 415 - 440

4.        Kaiqi Zhang, Haifeng Du,Marcus W. Feldman.Maximizing Influence in a Social Network: Improved Results using a Genetic Algorithm. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2017, 478: 20-30

5.        Haifeng Du, Xiaochen He, Wei Du, and Marcus W. Feldman. Optimization of the Critical Diameter and Average Path Length of Social Networks. Complexity, Volume 2017, Article ID 3203615, 11 pages Article Number: 3203615,DOI: 10.1155/2017/3203615

6.        Lijia Ma, Maoguo Gong, Jianan Yan, Fuyan Yuan, Haifeng Du. A decomposition-based multi-objective optimization for simultaneous balance computation and transformation in signed networks. Inf. Sci. 378: 144-160 (2017)

7.        Haifeng Du, Xiaochen He, Shanfeng Wang, Maoguo Gong, Marcus W Feldman. Optimizing transformations of structural balance in signed networks with potential relationships. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2017 , 465 :414-424.

8.        Haifeng Du, Xiaochen He, Marcus W Feldman. Structural balance in full signed networks. Complexity. 2016 (10.1002/cplx.21764) Complexity 21(S1): 497-511 (2016)

9.        Q. Cai, M. Gong, S. Ruan, Q. Miao, H. Du. Network Structural Balance Based on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: A Two-Step Approach.  IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 2015, 19(6):1-1. (SCI)

10.    S. Wang, M. Gong, H. Du, L. Ma, et al. Optimizing dynamical changes of structural balance in signed network based on memetic algorithm. Social Networks, 2016, 4464-73. (SCI)

11.    L. Ma, M. Gong, H. Du, B. Shen, L. Jiao. A memetic algorithm for computing and transforming structural balance in signed networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol: 85, 2015: 196-209. (SCI)

12.    Yixiang Sun, Haifeng Du, Maoguo Gong, Lijia Ma, Shanfeng Wang. Fast computing global structural balance in signed networks based on memetic algorithm. Physica A, Vol. 415, 2014: 261-272. (SCI)

13.    Meng Cai, Haifeng Du, Chen Zhao, Wei Du. Relationship between employees’ performance and social network structure: An empirical research based on a SME from a whole-network perspective. Chinese Management Studies, 2014Vol. 8 Iss: 1, pp.85 - 108

14.    Gong Maoguo, Fu Bao, Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng. Memetic algorithm for community detection in networks. Physical Review E. 2011,84(5):056101. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056101(NOV 3 2011)  

15.    Yue Zhongshan, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman, Du Haifeng. Floating choices: a generational perspective on intentions of rural – urban migrants in China. Environment and Planning A. 2010, 42(3): 545 – 562

16.    Li Shuzhuo, Chen Yinghui, Du Haifeng, Marcus W. Feldman. A Genetic Algorithm with Local Search Strategy for Improved Detection of Community Structure. Complexity. 2010, 15(4): 53-60.

17.    Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng, and Bo Liefeng. Multiobjective Immune Algorithm with Nondominated Neighbor-based Selection. Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press). 2008, 16(2) : 225-255  .

18.    Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng, Zhang Lining, Du Haifeng. Immune secondary response and clonal selection inspired optimizers. Progress in natural science. 2009,19(2): 237-253

19.    Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng, Ma WenPing, Du Haifeng. Multiobjective Optimization Using an Immunodominance and Clonal Selection Inspired Algorithm. Science in China: Series F Information Sciences. 2008, 51(8): 1064-1082.

20.    Zhang Jinhua, Zhuang Jian, Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. Self-organizing Genetic Algorithm Based Tuning of PID Controllers. Information Science. 2009,179(7): 1007-1018.

21.    Du Haifeng, Marcus W. Feldman, Li Shuzhuo and Jin Xiaoyi. An Algorithm for Detecting Community Structure of Social Networks Based on Prior Knowledge and Modularity. Complexity. 2007, 12(3): 53-60.

22.    Gong Maoguo, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng.  Optimal approximation of linear systems by artificial immune response. Science In China: Series F-Information Sciences. 2006, 49 (1): 63-79.

23.    Du Haifeng, Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng. Adaptive chaos clonal evolutionary programming algorithm. Science in China: Series F-Information Sciences. 2005, 48(5): 579-595

24.    Du Haifeng, Gong Maoguo, JIao Licheng, Liu RuoChen. Immune memory clonal programming algorithm for multimodal function numerical optimization. Progress in Natural Science. 2005,15(15):463-471.

25.    Liu Ruochen, Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng. Clonal strategy algorithm based on the immune memory. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2005, 20(5): 728-734.


1.        Wang Na, Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. Iterative optimization clustering algorithm based on manifold distance. 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications(ICIEA), 2009, 76-7.

2.        Wang Na, Zhuang Jian, Du Haifeng, and et al. A self-organization genetic algorithm with cycle mutation. 20th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2008, 2: 530-534.  

3.        Wang Na, Du Haifeng and Wang Sun’an. An improved clone selection optimization algorithm based on prior knowledge. International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), 2008: 374-377.

4.        Li Xiaohu, Du Haifeng, Zhuang Jian and Wang Sun’an. A PID parameters tuning algorithm inspired by the small world phenomenon. Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008, 5226: 817-824.

5.        Zhang J H, Zhuang J, Du Haifeng, et al. PID Controller Optimization Based on the Self-organization Genetic Algorithm with Cyclic Mutation. Accepted by 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IEEE CS Press, Mexico: 2007.

6.        Du Haifeng , Wu Xiaodong and Zhuang Jian. Small-world optimization algorithm for function optimization. Advances In Natural Computation, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2006, 4222: 264-273.

7.        Du Haifeng, Zhuang Jian, Zhang Jinhua, Li Maolin, Gou Shining, Wang Sun’an. Fault diagnose of the reciprocating compressor based on artificial immune regulation network. The 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing. 2006, Guang Zhou.Vol.2:109-112

8.        Li Maolin, Wang Na, Du Haifneg, et al.. ART - artificial immune network and application in fault diagnosis of the reciprocating compressor. Advances in Natural Computation, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2006, 4222: 502-505.

9.        Zhang Jinhua, Zhuang Jian, Du Haifneg, et al.. A flame detection algorithm based on video multi-feature fusion. Advances in Natural Computation, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2006, 4222: 784-792.

10.    Zhuang Jian, Du Haifeng, Zhang Jinhua, Wang Sun’an. The study of the auto color image segmentation. Computational Intelligence And Security, Pt 2, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence. 2005, 3802: 923-928

11.    He Wuhong, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Li Jing. Lamarckian clonal selection algorithm based function optimization. Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2005, 3512: 91-98.

12.    He Wuhong, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Li Jing. Lamarckian Polyclonal Programming Algorithm for global numerical optimization. Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 2, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2005, 3611: 931-940.

13.    Hou Chong, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng. An algorithm based on antibody immunodominance for TSP. Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 2, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2005, 3611: 876-879.

14.    Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng, et al. IFCPA - Immune Forgetting Clonal Programming Algorithm for large parameter optimization problems. Advances In Natural Computation, Pt 2, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611: 826-829

15.     He Wuhong, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Li Jing. Lamarckian clonal selection algorithm with application. Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations - Icann 2005, Pt 1, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2005, 3696: 317-322.

16.    Lu Bing, Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng, Gong Maoguo. IFMOA: Immune Forgetting Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm. Advances In Natural Computation, Pt 3, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2005, 3612: 399-408

17.    Gong MG, Jiao LC, Liu F, Du Haifeng. The quaternion model of artificial immune response. Artificial Immune Systems, Proceedings Lecture Notes iIn Computer Science. 2005, 3627: 207-219.

18.    Jiao Licheng, Gong Maoguo, Shang Ronghua, Du Haifeng, Lu Bing. Clonal selection with immune dominance and energy based multi-objective optimization. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 2005, 3410: 474-489.

19.    Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Gong Maoguo, Liu Ruochen. Adaptive dynamic clone selection algorithms. Fourth International Conference On Rough Sets And Current Trends in Computing 2004 (RSCTC’2004), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2004: 768-773.

20.    Du Haifeng, Jin Xiaoyi, Zhuang jian. Immune clonal selection network. 17th australian joint conference on artificial intelligence. AI2004 and Complex 2004, Lect Notes Artif Int. 2004, 3339: 840-852.

21.    Jin Xiaoyi, Du Haifeng, He Wuhong, Jiao Licheng. Optimizing the weights of neural networks based on antibody clonal simulated annealing algorithm. The International Symposium Neural Networks (ISNN2004).

22.    Gong Maoguo, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Wang Ling. A novel clonal selection algorithm for multiuser detection in CDMA systems. 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI2004 and Complex 2004). Lect Notes Artif Int. 2004, 3339: 1219-1225.

23.    Liu Ruochen, Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng. Adaptive immune clonal strategy algorithm. 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings. 2004, Vols 1-3: 1554-1557

24.    Jin Xiaoyi, Du Haifeng. A new artificial immune algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem. Proceedings Of The 2004 International Conference On Management Science & Engineering. 2004, Vols 1 and 2: 8-12.

25.    Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng and Liu Ruochen. Adaptive polyclonal programming algorithm with applications. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 2003:350-355.

26.    Liu Ruochen, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng. Immunity clonal strategies. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 2003:290-295.

27.    Wan Yamin, Wang Sunan, Du Haifeng. A new RBF neural network control strategy based on new object function. Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2002, 2: 816-819.

28.    Wang Bin, Wang Sunan, Du Haifeng, Qu Pingge. Parameter optimization in complex industrial process control based on Improved Fuzzy-GA. Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2003.

29.    Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng. Clonal operator and antibody clone algorithms. Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2002, 1: 506-510.

30.    Zhuang jian, Du Haifeng. Wang Sun'an, The study of artificial immune in diagnosis four-cylinder-air-compressor. Proceedings of the 3rd International Compressor Technique Conference (ICTC'2001). Xi’an Jiaotong University Press. 2001: 89-93.


1.        Zhang Kaiqi,Du Haifeng,Cai Meng, Marcus W. Feldman. Improved community structure detection algorithm based on the node’s property. Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2013,33 (11): 2879-2886

2.        Cai Meng, Ren Yike, Zhao Chen, Du Wei, Du Haifeng. Network Structure Mode and Employees’ Performance: based on Whole-network Analysis. Management Review. 2013(7): 145-157

3.        Liu Qian, Du Haifeng, Jin Xiaoyi, Cui Ye. Stay or Leave: A Study on the Role of Political Social Capital on Rural-Urban Migrants’ Desire to Settle in the City. Society. 2013 (4):103-116

4.        Bai Meng, Du Haifeng, Hui Yating. Gender difference on New Generation Migrant Workers' Political Expression Willingness. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University(Social Science). 2012, 32(3): 67-72

5.        Liu Qian, Du Haifeng. The Impact of Social Capital on Rural Migrant Workers’ Trust in Local Government . Chinese Public Administration. 2012(1): 106-111

6.        Ren Feng, Du Haifeng, Liu Lingrui. The Determinants of Rural Migrants' Entrepreneurship: Based on the Employment Stability Difference. Population Journal. 2012(2): 80-88

7.        Ren Feng, Du Haifeng. The Effect of Social Capital on Chinese Rural Migrants’  Occupational Status Attainment . Northwest Population Journal. 2012,33(3):61-65+69

8.        Cai Meng, Du Haifeng, Ren Yike, Marcus W. Feldman. A new network structure entropy based node difference and edge difference. Acta Physica Sinica. 2011, 60(11):110513 (SCI WOS:000298442100027 IDS: 867GE)

9.        Ren Feng, Du Haifeng. The Effects of Reconstruction of Social Ties on Rural Migrants’ Occupational Stratumsand Income in China. Population and Development. 2011,17( 5): 14-23

10.    Jin Xiaoyi, Li Chenghua, Du Haifeng, Du Wei. New Application of Sustainable Livelihoods Framework: Research on Livelihoods of Rural-Urban M igrants. Modern Economic Science. 2011,33(3): 103-109

11.    Du Haifeng, Cai Meng, Yuan Tingting, Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus W. Feldman. Development and Prospect on the Study of Community Structure. Zhejiang Social Sciences. 2011(2):116-122

12.    Ren Yike, Du Haifeng, Bai Meng. The Role of L ivelihood Capital in Migrant Returnees Self- Employment. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences). 2011,31(4): 51-57

13.    Ren Yike, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo. Analysis of Core-periphery Structure of Chinese Rural- urban Migrants Social Network. Population and Development. 2010(6):2-16

14.    Zhuang Jian, Yang Qingyu, Du Haifeng, Yu Dehong. High Efficient Complex System Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Software. 2010,21(11): 2790-2801

15.    Li Xiaohu, Du Haifeng, Zhang Jinhua, Wang Sun’an. Multilayer feed forward small-world neural networks and its function approximation. Control Theory & Applications. 2010,27(7): 836-842

16.    Li Xiaohu, Du Haifeng, Zhang Jinhua, Wang Sun’an. Approximation and FaultOTolerance Performances of Multilayer Feedforward Small World Neural Network. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2010,44(7): 59-63

17.    Chen Yinghui, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo. A genetic algorithm with small-world characteristic used for commun ity structure detection. Journal of Systems Engineering. 2010,25(1): 116-122

18.    Chen Yinghui, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo. Modified modularity and the corresponding community structure detecting algorithm. Journal of Xidian University. 2010,37(2): 374-379

19.    Du Wei, Cai Meng, Du Haifeng. Study on Indices of Network Structure Robustness and Their Application. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2010,44(4): 93-97

20.    Chen Yinghui, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo. Order effect in Bottom-up Merging Community Detection Strategies Based on Modularity. Journal of Systems & Management. 2010, 19(4): 476-480

21.    Li Maolin, Du Haifeng, Zhuang Jian, Wang Sun’an. Study of Modularity-based Fuzzy Immune Network Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Fault Diagnosis. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2010, 46(9): 100-106

22.    Du Haifeng,Wang Na,Zhang Jinhua,Wang Sun’an. Fault Diagnosis Strategy Based on Complex Network Analysis. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2010, 46(3):  90-96

23.    Yue Zhongshan, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman, Du Haifeng. Wandering at Crossroad: A Comparative Study on Development Will of Two Generations of Migrant Rural Workers. Population & Economics. 2009(6): 58-66

24.    Li Shuzhuo, Chen Yinghui, Du Haifeng. Gender Imbalance and Social Sustainable Development in China:An Interdisciplinary Research Paradigm and Framework . Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences). 2009, 29(6): 28-40

25.    Zhu Zhengwei, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo, Bai Meng. Complexity science in public management: a case study of rura l - urban migrants. Chinese Public Administration. 2009, (4): 114-119

26.    Du Wei, Du Haifeng, Li Maolin. Hyper mutation antibody clone algorithms for TSP. Journal of Xidian University. 2009, 36(3): 527-534

27.    Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo, Zhu Zhengewei, Bai Meng. Public Administration and Complexity Science. Zhejiang Social Sciences. 2009(3): 13-20

28.    Yue Zhongshan, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman. An Exploration and Analysis of the Sub-Group Structures Among Rural-Urban Migrant Workers: Based on t he Study of Social Support Networks. Society. 2009, 29(2): 131-146

29.    Yue Zhongshan, Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman. Social Integration: Definitions, Theories, and its Applications. Journal of Public Management. 2009, 6(2): 114-121

30.    Li Xiaohu, Du Haifeng, Zhuang Jian, Wang Sun’an. Model Reduction Optimization Based on Small-World Principle. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2009, 43(1): 108-113

31.    Du Haifeng, Yue Zhongshan, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman. Community Structure Detecting Algorithm for Dynamic Networks based on Modularity. Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2009. 29(3): 162-171

32.    Wang Na, Du Haifeng, Zhuang Jian, Yu Jintao, Wang Sun’an. Comparison of Three Different Spectral Clustering Methods Based on Graph Segmentation. Journal of System Simulation. 2009. 21(11): 3316-3320

33.    Wang Na, Du Haifeng, Wang Sun’an. Iterative Optimization Clustering Algorithm Based on Manifold Distance. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2009, 43(5): 76-79

34.    Yuan Mingxin, Du Haifeng, Wang Sun’an, Zhuang Jian. Chaos Small-World Optimal Algorithm Based on Population Entropy . Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University.2008, 42(9): 1137-1141

35.    Wang Na, Du Haifeng, Zhuangjian, Wang Sun’an.Spectral Clustering Method Based on Network Segmentation Used in Fault Diagnosis. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2008, 44(10): 228-233

36.    Ren Yike, Du Haifeng, Yu Xiao, Li Shuzhuo, M. W. Feldman. An Analysis of the Cohesive Subgroup Structures in the Social Networks of the Rural-Urban Migrants in China. Society. 2008,28(5):20-40.

37.    Ren Yike, Li Shuzhuo, Du Haifeng, Marcus W. Feldman. Analysis of Rural-urban Migrants' Social Network Structure Based on Exponential Random Graph Model. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Science). 2008,28(5): 44-51

38.    Du Haifeng,Li Shuzhuo,Marcus W. Feldman,Yue Zhongshan,Yang Xusong. Community structure in small-world and scale-free networks. Acta Physica Sinica, 2007,56(12): 6886-6893

39.    Zhuang Jian, Wang Na, Du Haifeng, et al.. A Fault Diagnosis Strategy Based on Fuzzy Artificial Immune Network. Progress in Natural Science. 2007, 17(11): 1544-1554

40.    Chen Yucong, Yang Bin, Du Haifeng, et al.. A Modified Small-World Algorithm based on the tracking-replacing strategy. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2007, 41(11): 1360-1363

41.    Gou Shining, Du Haifeng, Li Maolin, et al.. Data Classification Based on a Modified Fuzzy Artificial Immune Network. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2007, 41(5): 585-588

42.    Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W. Feldman et al. Community structures in small-world and scale-free networks,  Acta Physica Sinica. 2007. 17(11)11: 1544-1554

43.    Du Haifeng, Li Shuzhuo, Marcus W.Feldman et al. A Detecting Algorithm Based on Prior Knowledge and Modularity for Network Community Structure. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2007,41(6): 750-754

44.    Li Shuzhuo, Yang Xusong, Jin Xiaoyi, Marcus W.Feldman, Du Haifeng. Complexity of Rural-Urban Migrants’ Social Networks in China. Market & Demographic Analysis. 2006(5): 13-22

45.    Du Haifeng, Zhuang Jian, Zhang Jinhua, Wang Sun’an. Small-World Phenomena for Function Optimization. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2005, 39(9):1011-1015

46.    Du Haifeng, Gong Maoguo, Liu Ruochen, Jiao Licheng. Adaptive Chaos Clonal Algorithm. Science In China E (Technological Sciences). 2005, 35(8): 817-829

47.    Du Haifeng, Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng, Liu Ruochen. Immune Clonal Selection Network and Learning Algorithm. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence .2005, 18(2): 198-204

48.    Du Haifeng, Liu Ruochen, Jiao Licheng, Wang Sun’an. An Artificial Immune Antibody Adjusting Clonal Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem. Control Theory & Applications. 2005, 22(3):348-352

49.    Du Haifeng, Gong Maoguo, Jiao Licheng, Liu Ruochen. Immune Memory Clonal Programming Algorithm for Multimodal Function Numerical Optimization. Progress in Natural Science. 2004, 14(8):925-933

50.    Wang Bin, Wang Sun'an, Du Haifeng. Parameter Optimization in Industrial Process Control Based on Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2004, 38(1):56-59

51.    Liu Ruochen, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng. An Immune Monoclonal Strategy Algorithm. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2004, 32(10): 1880-1884

52.    Liu Ruochen, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng. An Immune Ponoclonal Strategy Algorithm.  Journal of Computer Research and Development. 2004, 41(4):571-576

53.    Liu Ruochen, Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng. Immune Monoclonal Strategy Based on Cauchy Mutation. Journal of Xi'an University. 2004, 31(4):551-556

54.    Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Gong Maoguo, Liu RuoChen. Immune Memory Clonal Programming Algorithm. Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Neural Networks. 2003, 11: 566-762

55.    Du Haifeng, Jiao Licheng, Gong Maoguo, Liu Ruochen. Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm and Evolutionary Algorithms. China National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guangzhou, China, 2003, 11: 694-699

56.    Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng. Development and Prospect of the Artificial Immune System. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2003, 31(10): 1540-1548

57.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. A Research about the Effect of Object Function on the Performance of the Neural Network. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2002, 36(1):54-57

58.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. A Research of a New Fuzzy Neural Network on Aeroplane Engine Simulation System. Journal of System Simulation. 2002, 14(4): 506-508

59.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an.  Fault Diagnose Of The Reciprocating Compressor Based On ART-Artificial Immune Network. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2002, 38(4): 88-90

60.    Zhou Rong, Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. AI and Mechatronics. Machine Tool & Hydraulics. 2002, (2):100-101

61.    Du Haifeng, Zhou Rong, Wang Sun'an. Research on Intelligent Control and Its Application in Speed Servo Control System. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2001, 35(3): 303-306

62.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. Ding Guofeng. Diagnose Fault of the Reciprocating Compressor based on Integrated the Rough Sets and Fuzzy Neural Network. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. 2001, 35(9): 940-944

63.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an, Data Enriching Based On ART—Artificial Immune Network, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2001, 14(4): 401-405

64.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. A Modified Neural Networks Control Algorithm and The Corresponding Simulation Experiments Research. Journal of System Simulation. 2001, 13(6):730-731

65.    Du Haifeng, Wang Sun'an. The Intelligent Control in Complex Mechatronics System. Machine Tool & Hydraulics. 2001, (5):25-28


1.        Du Haifeng, Bai Meng, Liu Qian, Du Wei. 2015. Survival and Development of Rural-urban Migrants Findings from a survey in Xi’an. Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, China.

2.        Jin Xiaoyi, Ren Yike, Du Haifeng. 2014. Rural Migrant Workers’ Social Networks, Attitudes and Behavior Evolution. Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, China.

3.        Ren Yike, Du haifeng, Chen Yinhui. 2011. Social Networks' Strucutre of Chinese Rural-urban Migrants. Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, China.

4.        Bian Yanjie, Du Haifeng, Li Dechang, et al.. 2011. Relational Sociology: Theeories and Studies. Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, China.

5.        Li Shuzhuo, Du Haifeng, Yang Xusong, Jin Xiaoyi and Marcus W. Feldman. 2008. Social Support Networks of Chinese Rural-urban Migrants. Social Science Acdemic Press, Beijing, China.

6.        Jiao Licheng, Du Haifeng, Liu Fang and Gong Maoguo. 2006. Immune Optimization Computing, Learning and Reorganization. Science Press, Beijing, China.

7.        Zhou Zhihua, eds. 2004. Artificial Neural Network Theory and Applications. Tsinghua  University Press, Beijng, China. ( The 5th  Chapter)

8.        Wang Sun’an, Du Haifeng, Ren Hua  eds. 2003. Mechatronics. Science Press, Beijng, China.


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