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Population and Development Studies
Liu Hui-jun


1. Basic Information

Name: Huijun Liu

Sex: female

Current position: professor

Degree: Ph.D.

Mailing address: Institute for Population & Development, Xi’an Jiaotong University,28# Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710049, China


(1) 2003-2008, Ph.D., Management School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Major: Management Science and Engineering

(2) 1998-2001, M.A., Humanities & Social Science School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Major: Political science

(3) 1994-1998, B.A., Humanities & Social Science School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Major: Public Administration


(1) 2016.10-12, Senior Visiting Scholar, Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford

(2) 2015-now, Professor, School of public policy and administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University

(3) 2010-2014, Associate professor, School of public policy and administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University

(4) 2013-2014, Visiting Scholar, East Asian studies Center, Stanford University

(5) 2010-2011, Visiting Scholar, Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacif ic Research Center, Stanford University

(6) 2004-2009, Lecturer, School of public policy and administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University


(1) Lecture for students

1) Leading Front Forum of Public Management for PH.D. Candidates

2) Public Policy Studies for graduate and MPA students

3) management of Non-profit organizations for MPA students

4) Public Policy Analysis for under graduate students

5) Gender and Development for undergraduate students

(2) Research directions for PhD and postgraduate

1) Aging and the innovation of social management

2) Health risk and management during the period of social transformation


(1) 2016.01-2019.12,The Amplifying Mechanisms and Government Responses to HIV/AIDS Epidemic Risk under the Context of Social Transition in China,granted by National Natural Science Foundation, China, project director;

(2) 2013.9-2014.9,Study on Social Risk and its Diffusion under Gender Imbalance Context, granted by National Social Science Foundation, China, project director;

(3) 2009.1-2013.9, Study on Chinese gender structure andsocial sustainable development strategy,granted by National Social Science Foundation, China, project director;

(4) 2006.01-2008.10, The Influencing Factors and Promoting Tactics of China Rural Reproductive Health, granted by National Social Science Foundation, China, project director;

(5) 2015.9-2017.10, Study on gender imbalance and rural elderly support risk from vulnerability perspective, granted bySocial Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China, Project director;

(6) 2016.1-2018.12, Study on risk perception on old-age support of older people in rural China under the social context of gender imbalance, granted byNatural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China, Project director;

(7) 2010.6-2011.7, Study on public service network of population and family planning for migrant in Shaanxi province, granted by Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China, Project director;

(8) 2013.3-2015.3, Based on population flow to study rural elderly support dilemma and policy support mechanisms, granted by Xi' an Jiaotong University Humanities international cooperation project, China,Project director;

(9) 2012.1-2013.12, Social support and health promotion for elderly in Rural China under labor migration from rural to urban area, granted by United States Stanford University,Project director.

6. Publication

(1) Articles

1) Huijun Liu, KarenN. Eggleston,YanMin.Village senior centres and the living arrangements of older people inrural China: considerations of health, land, migration andintergenerational support.Ageing and Society.2017, 37(10): 2044-2073.(SSCI indexed)

2) Q Xiao,H Liu, Feldman.How does trust affect acceptance of a nuclear power plant (NPP) : a survey among people living with Qinshan NPP in China.Plos One,2017, 12(11): e0187941.(SCI indexed)

3) Q Xiao,H Liu, Feldman. Tracking and predicting hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) epidemics in China by Baidu queries.Epidemiology and Infection, 2017, 145(8):1699-1707.(SCI indexed)

4) Karen Eggleston,Huijun Liu, Yan Min, Bao Jia Tan.China’s Rural Left-Behind Elderly:Senior Centers and Psychological Well-being.121-143. Karen Eggleston.Policy Challenges from Demographic Change in China and India.Brookings Institution Press.2016.

5) H Liu,Q Xiao, Y Cai, S Li. The Quality of Life and Mortality risk of Elderly People in Rural China: The Role of Family Support.Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.2015, 27(2):2232-2245.(SSCI indexed)

6) H Liu, X Han, Q Xiao, S Li, M.W. Feldman.Family Structure and Quality of Life of Elders in Rural China: The Role of the New Rural Social Pension.Journal of Aging & Social Policy,2015,27(2): 107-122.(SSCI indexed)

7) H Liu,S Li, Q Xiao& M. W. Feldman. Social Support and Psychological Well-Being Under Social Change in Urban and Rural China.Social Indicators Research, 2014,119(2): 979-996.(SSCI indexed)

8) H Liu, S Li& M. W. Feldman. Gender in Marriage and Life Satisfaction under Gender Imbalance in China: The Role of Intergenerational Support and SES.Social Indicators Research, 2012,114(3): 915-933. (SSCI indexed)

9) Huijun Liu, Shuzhuo Li &M.W. Feldman. Forced bachelors, migration and HIV transmission risk in the context of China's gender imbalance: A meta-analysisAIDs Care-Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 2012, 24(12):1487-95.(SSCI indexed)

10) Q Xiao,H Liu.A Preliminary Study on Scale Development for the Measurement of NIMBY Effects of the Residents Surrounding Nuclear Power Project.Psychology:Techniques and Applications,2017,5(9):560-566.(in Chinese)

11) Q Xiao,Z Zhu,H Liu.The non-intervention and online mode for social stability risk evaluation in major projects.Journal of Public Administration,2016,9(1):86-109.(in Chinese)

12) H Liu.Social support mechanisms in migration and psychological well-being of the rural elderly.Population and Society, 2016,32(3):3-13.(in Chinese)

13) H Liu, H Tang. solution to the difficulties of the rural elderly during social transition: the influence of Senior centers and NRSP to psychological well-being of the rural elderly.Population and Society, 2016, 32(1):38-50.(in Chinese)

14) H Liu, X Han.The New Social Endowment Insurance System and Quality of Life of Rural Elderly Family Structure Change:Based on a Survey in Shaanxi Province City A,Population & Economics, 2014, (5): 76-86.

15) H Liu, S Li. 5)Social Change and Psychological Well-Being in Urban and Rural China.Journal of Public Management, 2012(2):23-32.(in Chinese)

16) S Yan,H Liu. An analysis on mechanism of gender imbalance evolution in China in social change.Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Science), 2012(1): 52-56.(in Chinese)

17) H Liu, S Li. Population Health and Public Security under Gender Imbalance:A Review on the International and Historical Perspective.Population Journal,2011(5): 32-40.(in Chinese)

18) H Liu. Interest Pluralistic Pattern and Policy Game back Gender Imbalance Issues: A Positive Research to Chinese Policy Issue Network on Gender Imbalance.Journal of Public Management, 2011(1):61-70. (in Chinese)

19) H Liu, S Li. The path way and effective mechanism for SRB decline.Population & Economics, 2011, (4): 1-9. (in Chinese)

20) H Liu, S Li. The amplification of social risk and treatment under the context of gender imbalance: case study of mass disturbance.China Soft Science, 2010(5): 152-160. (in Chinese)

21) H Liu, S Li.Construction and Application of the Social Amplification Model of Risks inSociety in China.Chinese Public Administration, 2010(12):108-113.(in Chinese)

(2) Books

1) Huijun Liu, Shuzhuo Li, Zhen Guo & Zhengwei Zhu.The social risk research of Gender Imbalance---Based on Social Transition Context of China, Social Science Academic Press(Beijing, China), 2014(7), ISBN:978-7-5097-6181-6

2) Huijun Liu, Qunying Xiao.HIV Cross-regional Diffusion and Integrated Intervention, Social Science Academic Press(Beijing, China), 2014(9),ISBN:978-7-5097-6069-7


(1) Huijun Liu, “Family Structure and Competing Demands from Aging Parents and Adult Children in China” on theannual meetingof PAA (Population Association of America)at Chicago, USA, 2017.

(2) Huijun Liu, “Gender in Marriage and Life Satisfaction under Gender Imbalance in China: The Role of Intergenerational Support and SES” on theannual meetingof PAA (Population Association of America)at New Orleans, USA, 2013.

(3) Huijun Liu, “Family Structure and Quality of Life of Elders in Rural China: The Role of the New Rural Social Pension”onPopulation and Social Science Conference, Canada, 2013.

(4) Huijun Liu, “Gender Imbalance, Migration and HIV Transmission Risk” in Stanford University USA, April 2011.


(1) ProfessorMarcus W.Feldman and Researcher Karen N Eggleston from Stanford

(2) Professor Shuzhuo Li fromCollege of public policy and management, Xian Jiaotong University

(3) Associate professor Qunying Xiao fromCollege of Humanities and law, Northwestern Polytechnical University

(4) Shaanxi Women’s Federation and Ankang Civil Affairs Bureau


(1) Peer reviewers ofSocial Indicators Research、Research on Aging、Journal of Family study

(2) Member of Chinesesoft science society and Chinese population Association

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