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Population and Development Studies
Jianghua Liu

CV: Jianghua Liu


I got a PhD degree in human evolutionary biology from the University of Sheffield in 2011. Then, I did two years of post-doc at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, before joining Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2014. I am currently working on low fertility in contemporary human societies and its relevance to fertility policies.


Tel      +86(0)-29-82668384  

Address: The Institute for Population & Development Studies, Xian Jiaotong University, Xianning West Road 28, Xian 710049, China

1. Education experience

2007~2011, PhD research in Human Evolutionary Biology, The University of Sheffield, UK

Thesis Title: Evolutionary foundation of life-history shifts during the recent demographic transitions in humans

PhD degree was conferred in December, 2011

2002~2005, MEng research in Environmental Biology, Tsinghua University, China

MEng degree was conferred in July, 2005

1998~2002, BEng study in Environmental Engineering, Zhengzhou University, China

BEng degree was conferred in July, 2002

2. Employment

2014~,      Associate Professor (tenure-track), the Institute for Population & Development Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

2011~2013, Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany

2005~2007, Instructor for undergraduate students majoring in Environmental Science, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, China

3. Teaching

Public Management Research Methods, 2 credits

Social statistics, 4 credits

Applied statistics, 2 credits

4. Grants

2016/06~2019/12, the influence of supports from family members on the implementation of the universal two-child policy and the corresponding strategies, funded from National Social Science Fund

2016/12~2017/07, Xi’an fertility survey and two-child policy implementation report 2016, funded from Xi’an Municipal Government

2015/09~2016/07, Xi’an fertility survey and two-child policy implementation report 2015, funded from Xi’an Municipal Government

2014/06~2015/05, Xi’an fertility survey and two-child policy implementation report 2014, funded from Xi’an Municipal Government

5. Publications in English

1Liu, J., Duan, C. & Lummaa, V. 2017 Parent-offspring conflict over family size in current China. American Journal of Human Biology 29, e22946.

2Liu, J. 2016 Cohort marriage kinetics in the context of migration, with a case study of Japan, 1920–1940. Journal of Biosocial Science 48, 577–592.

3Liu, J. & Lummaa, V. 2014 An evolutionary approach to change of status-fertility relationship in human fertility transition. Behavioral Ecology 25, 102–109.

4Liu, J., Rotkirch, A. & Lummaa, V. (2012) Maternal risk of breeding failure remained low throughout the demographic transitions in fertility and age at first reproduction in Finland. PLoS ONE 7, e34898.

5Liu, J. & Lummaa, V. 2011 Age at first reproduction and probability of reproductive failure in women. Evolution & Human Behavior 32, 433–443.

6. Consulting reports

1Xi’an fertility survey and two-child policy implementation report 2016

2Xi’an fertility survey and two-child policy implementation report 2015 (First Class Survey Report, awarded by the Xi’an Municipal Government)

3Xi’an fertility survey and two-child policy implementation report 2014 (approved by the Mayor of the Xi’an Municipal Government)

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