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Institute for Higher Education
Chao Qiu-ling

Name Chao Qiu-ling
Title Professor
Research Interests Educational Psychology, Comparative Education

Institute of Higher Education
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049
P. R. China

2002-2005 Tianjing Normal University, Doctor Degree (Education).
1996-1999 Shaanxi Normal University, Master Degree (Education).
1986-1989 Xi’an International Studies University, Bachelor Degree (Art).

1999— present Institute of Higher Education , Xi’an Jiaotong University.
2005—present Associate Professor
2001—2005 Lecturer
1999—2001 Asst. Lecturer
1989 —1996 Yulin Middle School, Asst. Lecturer (English).

[1]Educational Psychology . Graduate Students.
[2]Comparative Education . Graduate Students.
[3]General Psychology. Undergraduate Students.

Experiments on Development of Inhibition of Return
Advisor: Pr. Shen Deli, Center for Psychology and Behavior Studies, Tianjin Normal University.
Master: The Relationship Between Self-concept and Behavior in Children.
Advisor: Pr. Guo Zu-yi , Shaanxi Normal University.

(Following 1,2,4,5&7 are Chinese Core Journals.)
[1]Chao Qiu-Ling,Guo Zu-yi,Wang Shu-lan,Research on the Correlation between the Self-concept and Behavior Disorder in the Secondary School Students,Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 2000.3 P147-149.
[2]Chao Qiu-Ling,Wang Ping,He Ning,Comparative Research on Middle School Student's Self-concept between Complete and Divorced Family.,Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 2001.2 P142-143.
[3]Chao Qiu-Ling,Wang Ping,Comparative Research on Middle School Student Self-concept between City and Village,Heath Psychology Journal 2001.9 P262-263
[4]Chao Qiu-Ling,On Leaning Tropism of Undergraduate Affect the Innovation Ability,The 6th Learning and Scientific Research Studies of University,2001 .
[5]Chao Qiu-Ling,Shen Xiao-ying,Zhu Ji-zhou,Analysis On the Psychological Health Education of University Students,Bejing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press 2001.11P64-67.
[6]Chao Qiu-Ling,Guo Zuo-yi,Comparative Research on Middle School Student Self-concept between Key and General,International Chinese Neuropsychiatry Jounral 2001.12 P219-221.
[7]Chao Qiu-Ling,Shen Xiao-ying,Zhu Ji-zhou,Analysis On Some Problems in Extraordinary Education Practice,Modern Especial Education 2002.4 P9-10.
[8]Xu Fu-ming,Chao Qiu-Ling,Ji Feng ,The Development of Job Burnout Questionnaire in Primary and Secondary Teachers,Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology 2004.2P13-14.
[9]Chao Qiu-Ling,Xu Fu-ming,Huang Wen-feng,Study of College Students' Learning Adaptability and the Relationship of Learning Adaptability with Their Mental Health in Period of SARS,Heath Psychology Journal 2004.3 P209-210.
[10]Chao Qiu-Ling,Development of IOR in children in single and double cue procedure,International Congress of Psychology 2004.3.
[11]Chao Qiu-Ling,Cui Qi-en,Thought on Curriculum Reform,Educational Research and Experiment 2005.1 P65-68.
[12]Chao Qiu-Ling,Cui Qi-en,Discussion of the education charges of graduate students of our country,modern Education Science 2005.4 P55-57.
[13]Chao Qiu-Ling,Cui Qi-en,A Study on the American Teacher Salary Schedule in Basic Education,Teacher Education Research 2005.5 P72-76.
[14]Chao Qiu-Ling,Psychological Education,Moral Education and Development of Chinese Talents,Education Exploration 2005.9 P66-68.
[15]Chao Qiu-Ling,Cui Qi-en.,"Agreeing to Disagree": Brief Analysis of Globalization of Education.,Open Education Research 2005.9 P29-32.
[16]Chao Qiu-Ling,Net-learning: the Trend of Defense Education,Journal of Higher Education 2005.9.

[1]Chao Qiu-Ling,The Psychological Health Education of University Students ,Xi’an Jiaotong University Press,2002 .
[2]Chao Qiu-Ling,The Psychological Health Education and Ego-development of Female Undergraduate,Xi’an Jiaotong University Press,2002.
[3]Chao Qiu-Ling,Psychological Guidance about Achievement of University Student,Xi’an Jiaotong University Press,2003.

[1]Chief Translator: L. Dean Webb, M. Scott Norton. 2003. Human Resources Administration Personnel Issues and Needs in Education(Fourth Edition).Published by Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Columbus, Ohio. Edited by ZhuLing ,China Light Industry Press,2005(Chap.8,9,10,11,12,13)
[2]Chief Translator :Roger.Hock, 2002. Forty studies that changed psychology Explorations into the history of psychological research,Pearson Education,Inc. Edited by Zhu Ling,Li Feng,China Light Industry Press,2004(Chap.6,8 )

[1]“Meet the need to the development of knowledge economy, and develop the research and practice of learning and psychological quality education”,won the 1st prize of Excellent Teaching Prize in Xi’an Jiaotong University, also the 2nd prize of Excellent Teaching Prize in Shaanxi Province(Fourth Writer ).
[2]Teaching Paper “The Psychological Health Education and Ego-development of Female Undergraduate”, won the 2nd prize of the 1st humanity and social science excellent production in Xi’an Jiaotong University(First Writer).
[3]Teaching Paper “The Studies on Target of Supernormal Child Education” , Won the first prize of Psychological Health Education Committee in Higher Education in Shaanxi Province (First Writer).
[4]“On Learning Tropism of Undergraduate and the Effect on the Innovation Ability ”,won the 2nd Excellent Thesis prize granted by the Learning and Scientific Research Studies of University,2001. (First Writer).
[5]“Psychological Guidance about Achievement of University Student” won the Third class prize of Higher Education Research Production of Shaanxi Academy of Higher Education,2005.
[6]1997, won the “Excellent Graduate Student” in Shan’xi Normal University.
[7]1998, won the “Excellent Graduate Student” supported by Liu Ze-ru in Institute of Higher Education in Shan’xi Normal University.
[8]2003, won the “Excellent Doctor” in Tianjin Normal University.

[1]The Humanity and Science Funding Project of Shaanxi, “ The Research on Psychological Health Education of University Students under the Circumstance of Multi-culture Information”. (Director,Principal investigator)
[2]Humanity and social science Funding Project of Xi’an Jiaotong University,“ The Research on Behaviour and Psychological Health of University Students” . (Director ,Principal investigator)
[3]The Base of Quality-oriented Education for University Students in Xi’an Jiaotong University ,“The Research on Frustration Crisis and Defense Style”. (Director ,Principal investigator)
[4]The Key Project of “ Shi Wu” Programme of China education science ,“ The Psychology Research of Human Resource for Elementary Education”. ( the 1st participant )
[5]The China Natural Science funding,“ The Research and Appliance of Personality-digging method in Virtual learning”.(the 3rd participant )
[6]The Humanity and Science of Xi’an Jiaotong University, “The Development of Psychological Educational Courseware for University Student”.( the 1st participant)

[1]September, 2000, The 1st Asian Meeting for Sex Education, Beijing Normal University.
[2]November, 2001, The 8th Conference for Psychological Consultant of University Students, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
[3]October, 2002 , The Meeting for Extraordinary Elite, Beijing, in the middle school attached to RenMing University of China
[4]August, 2004, The 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, in the center of International Conference
[5]October, 2005, China Psychology Conference, Shanghai, East China Normal University.

[1]1996-1999 Studied as a graduate student in Shaanxi Normal University ,majored in Psychology .
[2]Participate the joint project“the Education and Development of Female University Student in China”with Toronto University
[3]Engaged in teaching and research of psychology in Xi’an Jiaotong University,worked as a volunteer serving the Central Counseling of university student for 3 years.
[4]Studied as a doctor in Tianjin Normal University
[5]2004-present Participate the teaching training project in the village district of Pu Cheng and Chun Hua, which is supported by U.S International Plan
[6]2005-present Engaged in teaching and research of Educational psychology in Xi’an Jiaotong University.

[1]2002,The Principle and Skill of Counseling Techniques in The Research Center of Psychology and Behaviour in Tianjin Normal University.
[2]2004,The Theory and Practice of Group Counseling Techniques, Shenzhen,China.
[3]2006, The Training of Counseling Techniques by Dr. Maggie Olona Student Counseling Service Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA in Xi’an Jiaotong University.

[1]The member of Psychology Union in China
[2]The executive director of the Psychological Counseling of University Student Committee in China,2002

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