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来源: 时间:2015-10-20 点击:[]




讲座题目一:Genes, Populations, Societies

讲座人:Marcus W Feldman,斯坦福大学教授

讲座题目二:Unemployment Patterns of Local-Born and Immigrant Youth in Hong Kong

讲座人:Eric Fong,多伦多大学教授

讲座题目一内容简介:Genes, Populations, Societies

With the advances in biotechnology, we now have the capability to explore the details of human genes (that is the DNA) at great detail in many populations around the world. The patterns of genetic variation can tell us about the demographic history of the world’s peoples on most continents. However, the patterns of DNA variation also reflect the behaviors and customs of populations. I will show how these aspects of societies can be studied, how they influence genetic patterns of variation, and how some people think that the reverse is true, namely that the genetic patterns influence the development of societies.

讲座人Marcus W Feldman教授简介:

Marcus W Feldman, PhD, is a Wohlford Professor of Biology at Stanford University and an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Science and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society.

He directs the Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies and is Co-Director of Stanford’s Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics. His specific areas of research include the evolution of complex genetic systems that can undergo both natural selection and recombination, the evolution of modern humans using models for the dynamics of molecular polymorphisms, especially DNA variants, cultural evolution, and the evolution of learning as one interface between modern methods in artificial intelligence and models of biological processes, including communication.

讲座题目二内容简介:Unemployment Patterns of Local-Born and Immigrant Youth in Hong Kong

This study explores the unemployment patterns of local-born and immigrant youth in Hong Kong. Hong Kong provides a unique context to evaluate assimilation outcomes without the racial effect. Based on data from the 2011 Hong Kong census, the findings support the classical assimilation perspective, the segmented assimilation perspective, and the paradox of assimilation. The fact that immigrant youths have higher unemployment rates than local-born youths in Hong Kong is related to their low percentages in having low levels of education and arriving Hong Kong at older age. However, the difference of unemployment rate between Hong Kong local and immigrant youths could be even wider if the income level of their parents were not higher. The findings suggest that the dynamics of assimilation are complicated even in places outside North America.

讲座人Eric Fong教授简介:

Eric Fong is a professor of sociology at the University of Toronto. He was the President of the Canadian Population Society and the Chair of the International Migration Section of the American Sociological Association. He also serves as an academic advisor at various international research centers. Fong widely publishes in the areas of race and ethnic residential patterns and immigration.




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