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来源: 时间:2015-10-23 点击:[]

讲座名称: Urban Governance in U.S.A.: Theory and Practice



讲座一:Big Challenges to Effective City Governance

讲座人:James Perry



讲座二:Blueprint for Building Community

讲座人:John Perry




The focus of the talk would be to identify the most daunting challenges city government leaders must prepare for in the immediate decades ahead. Some of what I discuss will be drawn from PAR, but I will draw from a broad set of sources. I will also spend some of my time defining “effective” city governance because that is central to challenges city leaders will confront.

What are the attributes, characteristics, or qualities of effective and enterprising governance? How can we recognize and train the effective public administrator? What qualities, attributes, skills, and behaviors are characteristic of effective public administrators? The presentation will synthesize insights about what we know regarding both effective governance and effective public administrators.


James Perry is Distinguished Professor and Chancellor’s Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, and World Class University Distinguished Professor at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. He is also Adjunct Professor of Philanthropic Studies and Political Science at Indiana University. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of Public Administration Review.

Perry’s recent research focuses on performance pay in government, public service motivation, community and national service, and government reform.


American cities are a basic part of the fabric of our democratic traditions. Many of these cities are served by professional city managers and administrators. Cities that succeed at an outstanding level often employ professionals. Yet the average American knows little about the role of these professionals. City managers, partnering with elected leaders and citizens in these communities, have worked to fulfill those aspirations. This lecture highlights the values and relationships that must be cultivated by the city manager to successfully build community. Although the focus is on the role of the city manager, other key participants such as elected officials, citizens, and employees can gain from the insights. Community building requires connecting the key groups in the community to the mission and "sacred things" dear to residents. Harnessing the energy of all the players produces tremendous results.


John Perry has served in a number of leadership positions in municipal organizations. He served as President of the Illinois City/County Management Association. He is a founding member of the Illinois Public Employer Labor Relations Association (IPELRA) and also a founding member of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (IRMA) which he served as its Chair. He chaired the Managers Committee of the Illinois Municipal League. John Perry chaired the Planning Committee of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference and served on its Board of Directors. He served on the DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board and chaired the Interoperability Task Force. He was a founder of the Suburban Housing Coalition, now Diversity, Inc., and chaired the predecessor agency, the Fair Housing Legal Action Committee.




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